Sunday, January 30, 2011


So now they are saying we could get 2ft of snow!! Dont like it! It is pretty the first few times, but after that it is just annoying!! One of the few times I am glad to be out of work, dont have to get out in the mess!!
Watched the SAG awards. Not bad, no one was putting anyone down. A friend sent me a pic of a Florida sunset today, it was beautiful!!
Getting back to the storm, they are saying it could affect 100 million people!! Was talking to a friend in NY earlier, they had gotten all the snow off their roof, getting ready for the next storm. Time to get milk, bread and eggs!! Inside joke. Snow starts tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Let me try this comment thing again. Last one didn't post. Good for you--blogging. Good therapy, especially when it's tooooo cold.
